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Saturday, October 08, 2005

What Does "Om Repair" Mean?

First, "om" is the breath. Om has a slew of interpretations, including the "breath" being an expression of the essence of all living things, but in an effort to express the benefit of yoga and Om Repair to people who are skeptical at best, I'd like to keep things simple: yoga focuses a lot of time on breathing. Achieving a fluid, slow and even breathing while practicing yoga (and throughout the day) helps achieve one of yoga's primary goals - to unify the body with the spirit and mind.

The control of breathing, incorporated with "asanas" or combinations of postures and poses, moves one toward a more complete and healthy self. "Yoga" actually means "yoke" or "union". The rejoining and unifying of all elements of a person is quite a repair job. The mind likes to wander, the body likes to be lazy and the spirit likes to take a long hiatus from the forefront of our lives. When one practices yoga, the lines between the different aspects of being human (the flesh and the spirit/or mind) begin to blur.

I will be adding as many links as possible to Om Repair which outline simple and accessible approaches to yoga for those who would like to give it a try. As a new instructor of yoga, I have already noticed that at least 95% (non-scientific estimate :) ) of people who try yoga for the first time, are impressed by the renewed sense of self, physically and mentally, they feel. Yoga is not the only road to a better self, but it has quick results in all departments of the human entity.

If you like, you can take the words that "Om Repair" play on, "home repair," and think of it precisely that way -- the repairing of the home base or the place that no matter where we go, we always are -- (with ourselves).


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