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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Essential Readings for Aspiring Yoga Instructors

Here is a list of books that will prepare you for not only a deeper personal practice, but also for your journey as a yoga instructor. This list has in mind the yogi who has not yet decided on a yoga teacher training program, but who wants to get a head start on the reading. At the top of the list are books that will more than likely be required readings for almost any yoga teacher training, while further down, are selections that will get you started on anatomy for yoga, Sanskrit and popular yoga books that will come up as you delve into yoga more and more. The links take you to my Amazon store, "OmRepair Yoga Store." Please feel free to order directly from my site.

There are many yoga anatomy books. For the anatomically challenged, like myself, I found this to be helpful:

Here is another thorough anatomy book for yoga:

This is one of my absolute favorites! (At some point, you will need to learn a little Sanskrit.)

Here is a classic:

And another:

For those learning to live in the now:

This is just the beginning of the list! You might have some books that you would like to see listed here for those thinking of entering a yoga teacher training program, or who just want to deepen their understanding of yoga. Please let me know via the comment section! Thanks!

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009 carries yoga props, yoga mats, jewelry and music for meditation or for teaching yoga classes. They also have yoga clothing and apparel. Please check them out when you get a chance.

I like them because they also give yoga studios free listings across the country!

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